The Infinite Cycle
“Max Max MAAAXXXX !!! “
“YES YES, Mr. Anderson wha.. what”. Shit! I dreamed off again, I clearly remember reminding Blake to tap me if I drifted off, that idiot.
“It’s your turn for idea presentation and please don’t tell me you’re still clinging to your theory of what happens after death because frankly, I’m tired of hearing about it”
“Sir but it’s actually true I can feel it but I just don’t know how to express it in words”
“That’s why I need you to present something of actual value and not something out of a movie and also something which is backed up by your so-called “feelings”. ”
The whole class laughed. Blake sitting next to me literally had tears in her eyes, I was visibly embarrassed but I still held onto my bit of dangling pride and retaliated rather meekly.
“ But sir I do have a solid theory here, see every single atom possess something called information and this information can never be destroyed according to the quantum informa…”. I was cut short.
“ That’s enough Max, I wish to hear some simple idea out of a 15-year-old’s mouth like Sadie’s idea for starting a club for dogs, or something like Nathan’s idea about introducing a reading period for all classes, something which is simple and useful for all and not things like what happens after death or information or stuff like that.”
“Umm.. but I do have some other theories to back mine up, like..”
“Enough!! 1 more week, I am giving you one more week and you have to present something simple, useful, and something that can actually be done in the real world and not in your dreams. If you still can’t come up with anything then I WILL reduce your grades. You can take help from Blake if you want to or from anyone in this class, heck you can even come to me if you want but I need a simple idea that all of your friends can also understand.”
“Aight pops, I’ll take care of him. “ — [Blake]
“Please don’t call me pops in front of the whole class. Honestly, I am tired of both of you.”
“Aight Daddy-oo “. Mr. Anderson sighed.
It was done, the final nail was struck into my coffin representing my idea and I did not see a way that could change Mr. Anderson’s decision. Blake was looking at me with a pitying eye and she also had a snug smile on her face. Sometimes I wonder how we became best friends.
“Hey Max stop dreaming again, I don’t completely understand this theory but I like that there’s a chance that you can become a god if you die. Maybe we should test that. “
“HA real funny, also I don’t become a God, I will have a small probable chance to possess every bit of quantum infor…”. Cut short again by the long fake yawn she gave, seriously why am I even friends with her.
— — — — —
We were neighbors and we knew each other since the day both our parents had moved next to each other. She was a year older than me and we have arguably been best friends for the last 14 years of my life. Sadly that meant her dad who was our Economics teacher, Mr. Anderson, also knew me and my parents for the last 14 years. It’s not like I was a delinquent, in fact, I was quite a nerd and as anyone would characterize a nerd, I too was into science, and anybody who tells me it’s boring needs to get their brains rechecked. Blake on the other hand was the athletic one, she was into sports and stuff which I really don’t like much and she also was the president of our school’s Karate Club. Unfortunately for me, it was bad news, every time she was pissed meant that if I was in the vicinity I had to take the heat, on the plus side of things I only had to endure her thrashing as she kinda acted as my bodyguard to fend away school bullies. It was like a symbiotic relationship between best friends.
“MAX! you started dreaming again. It’s as if you are a lizard and like when they run the pause for a moment and then start running again.”. She laughed.
“Well actually pause mainly because they have bifocular vision and whe.. OUCH”. My shoulders tensed up as I got punched.
“That’s another reminder not to spout out useless information that has nothing to do about the topic at hand. ”
“ Okay okay Jeez, focus on the road you only got your learner’s permit yesterday.”
We were driving home after school in Mr. Anderson’s car and Blake was driving as she had received her learners permit yesterday and also because club activities were suspended mainly because this was our last day at school and Christmas vacations started from tomorrow.
“Max is right, keep your eyes on the road and don’t pay attention to other things.” Mr. Anderson said while scrolling through his Ipad sitting at the back of his own car. I wondered why.
“ Aight pops, I think of myself as an above-average driver, like I only got the learners yesterday but till now we haven’t been run over by anyone”. She kinda said it as a joke but suddenly I got a chilly sensation and the hair behind my neck stood up.
“Please don’t say things like that even as a joke” — [Mr. Anderson]
“Yea he’s right, like even as a joke yooo…”. Damn, why am I the one who always gets interrupted? I did not get the time to finish my thought train, because a pickup truck carrying some iron rods suddenly stopped and Blake panicked and slammed the brakes. I heard the precise sound of three holes being generated in the windshield.
“ What the … Is everyone alright Blake, Max?”. Mr. Anderson screamed.
I felt warm and numb at the same time, I looked towards Blake and saw her terrified expression and I thought she might be alarmed by the fact that she just ran into the protruding rods from the pickup truck.
“DAAAD DAAD MAAX BEEN ….”. She screamed, a moment later I figured the three rods which had cleanly impaled the windshield had also impaled my torso. Wow, I thought to myself, I am tasting a lot of iron in my mouth, oh that was just more blood.
Mr. Anderson pulled out Blake from the driver’s seat and reversed the car to pull out the impaled rods, well that was the last thing I remembered and then I was dead.
— — — — — -
“ Has another awakening happened “. [ Unknown 1]
“ It seems the possibility of another has emerged “. [Unknown 2]
“It can’t be, we control the 4 forces and it is me who controls the weak and strong force “. [Unknown 3]
“ The Magna Infinity ?”. [Unknown 2]
“ No, it can’t be in this universe no..”. [Unknown 3]
“ He has to come to us. The Supremes “. [Unknown 1]
“ Yes “. All Unknowns said in unison.